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2005-01-21, 10:18 a.m.
hey she's a week old!

Does anybody else think the baby on my layout looks freakishly similar to my actual baby? Bonnie picked the layout picture. Weird.

She is doing well. I keep squirting her with milk. I'm still not napping during the day and I'm getting progressively crabbier. My MIL is coming over today so that will be a test.

I asked my friend Stephanie if she wanted the maternity clothes I bought along with hers back, and she said, "I don't even want mine back!" We are both thinking that one is a good number of kids to have, lol. So I'm going to have MIL take them all to a consignment store and we're going to split the money.

Jason is. Unsettled. He is really not very bonded to the baby and that is freaking him out and making him feel like a bad father. But the thing is that it's hard for him to get bonded since the only thing she really does is nurse and he lacks the equipment for that. He can change her diaper but she hates that and so it's not a very bonding experience. Sigh.

We are probably getting a new car. On a different note.

Also the picture from yesterday works now. I think D-land was still wonky when I uploaded it yesterday. So yeah look at it and tell me if it doesn't look just like layout-baby.

Going to shower while I can.


2005-01-20, 2:54 p.m.
birth story

Thursday I worked all day in clinic and had a great day. I was 38 weeks� pregnant, full of energy, and everything just seemed really fun and wonderful. After about a week of crampiness, I had been impatient for the baby to come. But Thursday I was feeling like I could make it awhile longer, for once. I had set my friend Cari up with my brother-in-law, and we planned to all go out together Sunday night. Cari was in clinic with me and we walked out to the parking lot together Thursday afternoon planning where we would go. As I got in the car I said, �See you tomorrow!� The thought crossed my mind, �..unless I have the baby before then� but I didn�t say anything. At this point, I really thought that the baby would probably wait until her due date or later.

After dinner on Thursday, Jason and I went to Target and bought a TON of stuff. He was crabby after spending so long at the store and when we got home he had a glass of whiskey and I kept him company by having a glass of milk and a can of peaches. Then, um. Things happened that sometimes happen when somebody in a couple has some whiskey. Heh.

Cut to about 1 am (to keep things PG.) I had been asleep about an hour or so, and J had just gotten in bed. I was still half-sleeping but I started moaning some with pain and saying, �ow, ow, ow.� J woke me up to ask what was wrong and I said I was hurting. He said, �Are you going to have the baby right now?� and I laughed. We stayed in bed for about 45 minutes timing the pains. At that point I still wasn�t sure whether they were contractions, although when Jason asked if they felt different than the cramps from before I said yes, definitely. They were around 5-7 minutes apart, but sometimes I would have a longer stretch without one. We got out our manual from birth class and tried to figure out whether I was still in prelabor or what. When I felt some fluid during one of the contractions we figured we should call Labor and Delivery to let them know what was up. A nurse named Valerie took Jason�s call and asked him some questions. She wanted to talk to me and I answered a question or two before another contraction hit and I just said, �Okay okay okay please talk to my husband!� (I was such a polite laboring woman.) I wanted to take a shower, so Valerie said to do that, drink a big glass of water, and call back in 30 minutes. By the time my shower was over I was having to sit down on the edge of the tub and rock back and forth to get through contractions, which were 3-4 minutes apart at this time. Jason called L&D back and they said to come in. I got dressed and was trying to blow-dry my hair (I hate going out with wet hair) but about midway through I decided we had better leave.

When we got to the women�s center I had to sign some forms and then go pee in a cup and write my name on the cup. I remember thinking what a difficult task writing my name was. I walked to the bathroom, pausing in the hall for a contraction and saying �I�m sorry, I just have to stop here a minute.� Heh. They put me in a triage room and monitored contractions and determined that my water had broken. It was about 3:30 am, and I knew then that it was Evelyn�s birthday. When the nurse checked me I was still only 2-3 cm dilated, which was disappointing. I knew I would have to deliver within 24 hours because of the ruptured membranes. I figured I was in for a long day of Pitocin, and I used that to rationalize asking for an epidural. In fact when Valerie asked if I had been planning on an epidural I said, �No, but I am now!�

The hospital was full (three other women had showed up in labor during the previous few hours) and they wanted me to stay in the tiny little holding room, which had an exam table instead of a bed and no bathroom. They said they could get me a labor room around 9 am. I could NOT stay in that room and so I asked to be transferred to a different hospital. They said they couldn�t let me leave with ruptured membranes and I retorted, �No, but EMSA can take me.� There was rustling around and talking to charge nurses and whatnot and then somehow they found a bed. Gotta know the magic words.

I was taken down to my room in a wheelchair (tried to walk but didn�t go well.) I was getting very nauseous at this point. Jason said that my hair was all falling down and I looked, �so young, just like the girl from the theater� where we met when I was 17. He was having a hard time dealing with me being in pain and kept saying, �It�s okay, baby� and stroking my hair. I threw up once I was in my room and felt a little better. The whole time I had been shaking like crazy. They kept giving me forms to sign and asking me things like my blood type and social security number, and I was trying to cooperate. They couldn�t get my IV because I was so clammy, so they had the anesthesiologist come and get the IV and the epidural at the same time. None of the needle sticks bothered me one bit, they were totally overshadowed by the pain of contractions. The epidural made my right leg feel a little odd and I felt a few more contractions, but then it was all warm and tingly and wonderful. I felt like I had to pee big-time and I got a Foley and felt better. I could still move around fine but I didn�t really feel like it. Valerie checked me again and said that I was 4 cm, and she called the doctor who said that if I was still 4 cm in 30 minutes, we�d start Pitocin. I tried to sleep a little but couldn�t really. When Valerie came back and checked me, she got a surprised look on her face. When I asked what was going on, she said I was 8 cm already. She went to call the doctor. I still wasn�t feeling any pain with the contractions, and Jason was sacked out on the couch. After shift change at 7, another nurse came to check me and said I just had an anterior lip. I had her wake up Jason to get the bags out of the car; I wanted the camera. A few minutes later the nurse came back and had me do a �test push� to see how well I could push. I couldn�t feel anything, but I pushed and the nurse said, �Okay, you�re going to have a baby.� She had them page the doctor and was told the doctor was on her way. She said, �Tell her she needs to REALLY be on her way.� I asked her if she was ready to catch and she laughed. I told Jason to call my job and tell them I wasn�t coming in that day.

The doctor came in around 8 and got in a gown. She didn�t even change to scrubs. I pushed through about three contractions. It wasn�t painful at all, just felt tiring like a hard workout. They kept saying I was doing great. Jason was right by my head holding my neck. He said, �See, you�re doing great!� and I said, �They say that to everyone, even when they�re NOT doing great!� I asked about the baby�s presentation and the doctor said she was LOA� left occiput anterior, with her face down and a little to the right. I was happy about that. I started to get upset that my bra was still on. I wanted to nurse the baby right away so I was trying to get it off around the IV and blood pressure cuff and all that. Everyone was telling me not to worry about my bra but I was just focused on it. Eventually I got it scooched around my shoulder. On the fourth contraction the baby started to decel and stay down in the 80�s or so. I kept saying �What�s her heart rate?� They put some oxygen on me. After the next contraction the doctor said that during the next contraction she would try the vacuum. �No vacuum! I�ll push harder!� I said. I asked what I could do to avoid tearing and she said she�d let me know but I was doing great so far. I pushed through the entire next contraction with all my might. My baby was not getting vacuumed. And with that contraction her head was out. I said �Oh! She�s so big!� and they handed her to me. She was beautiful and looked just like her Daddy. Somebody said �One-minute Apgar� and I said �One off for color!� and everybody laughed. They called one off for tone, also. (Her tone was fine, in my opinion.) Her five-minute Apgar was nine. I had held her a bit and let her think about nursing (she opened her mouth a little), and they cleaned her up and gave her to Jason while they finished sewing me up. I had some little vaginal wall tears, but no tear into the perineum and no episiotomy. Woo hoo. Afterwards, Jason gave her back to me after a few minutes and she nursed for the first time. We both thought she was the prettiest baby ever. And that is the story of Evelyn Grace�s arrival.

2005-01-18, 9:25 a.m.
Oh and

yeah and everybody keeps saying her hair has red in it but I think it just looks brown. And she is the IMAGE of my husband, except she has my chin. And possibly my mouth.

So yeah.

2005-01-18, 9:05 a.m.
five days old

La la my baby girl. She's the sweetest. Jason and I have definitely had some "Oh SHIT we can't do this" moments but so far everything is going okay (knock wood.) But um. Don't people need more sleep than this? I haven't slept more than about 4 hrs a day since she's been born. At night, well, you know how that is. Get her nursed and changed and back to sleep and then go pee and lie down and in like 30 minutes she's ready to eat again. And then during the day I just suck at the whole sleep-when-baby-sleeps thing. Always something else to do. Need to work on that or sleep-deprivation-induced mental breakdown likely imminent.

She is a champ nurser. Although nursing always makes her poo, and she hates having her diaper changed. She gets so upset and then she wants to nurse for comfort. Which then makes her poo again. Lather, rinse, repeat. I need to work on diaper-change timing. I don't want her to sit in a dirty one but then sometimes I end up changing her, like, three times in an hour. Hmm.

Also, should I have her this close to the laptop? Am I irradiating her brain or some such? I'm getting bored just sitting and nursing though.

Birth story in progress. It's gonna be a long story for such a short birth, probably nobody will want to read it but I dont want to forget anything.

Okay boob switch time.


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35 weeks - 2009-04-26
baby girl! - 2008-12-31
15 weeks - 2008-12-11
twelve weeks - 2008-11-19
8 weeks - 2008-10-22