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2004-09-14, 12:41 p.m.
twenty weeks

Oooh yikes need to write a twenty-week entry before I'm 21 weeks, which is tomorrow. New stuff.... sometimes she kicks so hard it feels like she's about to "bust out, Alien-style," as my husband eloquently puts it. She moves a lot. One day she didn't move much and I got freaked-out and pulled out the ultrasound machine at work and peeked at her. She was just chilling out, doing fine.

I've had a little caffeine a couple of times and it makes her nuts. I try not to do it too much but we got this reaaaallly good coffee. And yeah I think she's fine. First trimester is way over so yeah.

Um um um. She has a carseat now, handed down from my friend's baby who outgrew it. We got his whole travel system and some other stuff. Thanks, baby Joseph. Anyway, it's in my car freaking me out because are you serious? A real baby is coming?

All right I feel better. Updated. I have a belly pic but it's not uploaded yet. One of the nurses asked if I swallowed a watermelon. Heh.

Gotta go, practically late already.


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35 weeks - 2009-04-26
baby girl! - 2008-12-31
15 weeks - 2008-12-11
twelve weeks - 2008-11-19
8 weeks - 2008-10-22