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2004-11-05, 9:51 a.m.
twenty-eight weeks

Twenty-eight weeks and over 1 kg. Wow. Can't believe she is so gigantic. Although I can see her large head and feet and something else (bottom? knees?) wriggling around on a regular basis so yeah. But it's weird being able to imagine what she looks like cause I've seen babies her size, you know? And twenty-eight weeks? I mean nobody would even argue about that being viable. Some 28-weekers don't even go to NICU. Big girl.

She's still transverse, head over on my left. I can hear her heartbeat with my regular stethoscope, finally. So that's cool. She moves a LOT.

I've been reading stuff... I read Ina May's Guide to Childbirth and The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding. And some other one which I just read at the library and didn't check out. It was basically the lessons they use for Lamaze classes. Hmm hmm. I still think it's going to hurt. And I think the bath/shower and music are going to help me the most. Those are my guesses. And I'm worried that I'll hyperventilate, I tend to do that. Jason needs to get going on those CDs he's supposed to be burning.

I still have horrible heartburn a few times a week, and my hips and back hurt, and um something else. Must not be that bad if I can't even remember it. I feel hugely fat and hippo-like. About nine times a day my husband says "You're not fat, you're pregnant!" Which I know but I still hate being fat. It makes no sense but anyway. I guess I read too many fashion magazines and whatnot in my formative years.

I had my glucose screen yesterday... I guess I passed cause they haven't called. (I also went to my appointment fasting, even though it's not a fasting test. So my baseline glucose would be lower. Shhhh. I didn't want to do that 3-hour thing, especially because like 75% of women who fail the screen pass the 3-hour thing. And I'm really not worried about my glucose metabolism so yeah.) I also got a blood count... I was thinking I might be a smidge anemic but they haven't called about that one either so guess not. I bought a big bag of spinach, anyway.

My blood pressure was good yesterday, and the baby's heart rate was 150, and I've gained 18 pounds. Oh and pee was fine. I go every two weeks from now on.

I'm off after noon conference today so I'm going to see if my mom wants to come over and see the baby's room and go for a walk. She never wants to drive all the way up here but we'll see. It's a nice day.

That's about it. My girl is VIABLE. La la.

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35 weeks - 2009-04-26
baby girl! - 2008-12-31
15 weeks - 2008-12-11
twelve weeks - 2008-11-19
8 weeks - 2008-10-22